Japanese curry is a dish that originated in Japan, typically served over rice with a roux-based sauce made from an array of spices, vegetables, and meats. Unlike other curries, it tends to be thicker and sweeter, making it a beloved comfort food in Japan, particularly among children for its appealing flavor profile. Additionally, there’s a wide variety of curry roux available in Japan, ranging from sweet to dry, and some individuals even enjoy mixing roux from different manufacturers.
There are many different types of curry, such as seasonal curry, hamburger steak curry, pork cutlet curry, and fried prawn curry. However, today I’m going to prepare a traditional royal curry.
Furthermore, many people enjoy eating curry with fukujinzuke or rakkyo (pickled scallion).

- 1 pack (99g) Curry cube
- 300g Chicken
- 300g Onion
- 150g Carrot
- 1/2 tsp grated garlic
- 1/2 tsp grated ginger
- 750 ml Water
- 1bay leaf
- 15g butter
- Oil
- Salt & Papper

Add the onion, ginger and garlic and fry over medium heat.

bring to the boil.

Add the curry cube in small pieces.

Until the curry cube has melted.
Stir occasionally.
